Greg & Kilby


The Short:  We praise the Lord for improved health. Our apprentices made it over. The past 2 weeks went great with students and children out of school for holiday. Schools here are mostly year-round, boarding schools. We pray the impact of these discipleship meetings will be eternal. Several new folks came while other regulars were absent. We trust the Lord with all of it. It was a privilege to place 5 study Bibles in the hands of readers. We hope and trust the Lord will enable these youth to grow.

Kilby has been walking through helping a young girl with a serious injury that could have required her to lose her leg; we pray we for the gospel to reach her family through this time. We are also praying for a friend about to give birth to her second child, and another young wife who is struggling deeply in her marriage. A dear young brother has just come through typhoid and malaria by God's grace. He is ready to return to his Catholic school for the last term and continue proclaiming the love of God and that salvation is by grace through faith.

Please be praying for the missionaries up in South Sudan who are reaching out to the unreached. Pray for their strength and stride, and for the Holy Spirit to pierce hearts as the message of the gospel is shared.

The Main:  Our primary reason for the message is to request prayer as we leave out in about 90 mins to begin our journey to the village. Lord willing, we will stop by a beautiful place called prayer mountain, take in some views and lunch, pray for the week ahead, then push on for the village. There are some rough roads, quite a few dirt roads, and some pushback in the village we are headed into. Witchdoctors and greedy manipulators, and those going on in darkness, don't particularly like people learning the ways of Christ.

God is drawing some 20 or so pastors, and 10-15 other participants for this Bible Training week. This is put on through the local reformed Baptist church (which is mostly unheard of here, yet strongly aligns with the Word and with our mission); we met them in God's providence on our first visit to this region. There will be a New Testament Survey course and a Creation to Christ Bible Story teaching. There will be fellowship and prayer, questions and answers, homework, times of encouragement, shared meals, and all the rest. Pray the Lord would use it mightily. Pray the leaders would go home better equipped to disciple the family, evangelize the neighbors, and humbly lead and train up the local churches. Pray the lost would be saved.

Prayer Points: 

Pray for the teaching to be clear, understood, and helpful.

Pray for much grace, for the Holy Spirit to work in hearts and minds.

Pray for the at least one unbeliever who signed up to come for the training.

Pray for the families who will receive the gift of clean water to taste the far more important water of Life, the goodness of Christ our Savior.

Pray for the open air preaching and door to door evangelism which will take place on Friday.

Pray the Lord brings everyone who ought to be present—we trust that He will.

Pray for our apprentices.

Pray for me to preach boldly and lovingly on Sunday morning, the Word of Truth.

Pray for sweet fellowship over meals, eaten with bare hands and much laughter.

Pray for the translator. Pray for the host pastor.

Pray for the Bibles that will be distributed to reach the right hands.

Pray our van gets us down the road.

Pray for good health, and for all of us to stay dry at night in the tent and hut if heavy rains come.

Pray for good rest night by night, protection from snakes, scorpions, wrongdoers, dark dreams, etc.

Pray for discernment and discretion, for ongoing partnership with those who are faithful.

Much Love in Jesus Christ,
Greg and Kilby Lee
